
Teaching (undergraduate and postgraduate courses)

Introduction to the Theatre (TA, York University 2022-24)

Journeys and Encounters in the Mahabharata: An Introduction to Devising, Collaboration, and Indian Mythology (Ohio Northern University 2019)

Deconstructing the Self: Communicating Through Theatre (Vedica Scholars Programme for Women, 2015-2017)

Bollywood/’Internationalism’ Performed (Mellon Global Visiting Scholar, Claremont Colleges 2015)

Intercultural Spaces (Kalamazoo College 2012)

Activating Theatre for Community Dialogue (Kalamazoo College 2012)

Training Teachers through Theatre (Vidyashram School, NIRMAN 2005-present)

Indian Culture, Performance, & Hinduism (The Centre for Postcolonial Education 2009, 2011, 2017)

Acting (NIRMAN Theatre Studio 2004-08)

Teaching (workshops)

Creativity and Lateral Thinking (Vedica Scholars Programme for Women, Delhi, 2023)

Masterclass in Clowning and Mime (Ohio Northern University, 2019)

The Classical Music of India (Athenaeum, Claremont McKenna College 2018)

Leadership and Team-Building (Times Internet, Delhi 2017)

Viewpoints, Devising, and Corporeal Mime (Bangalore, Dharwar, Kochi, Palakkad 2016)

Using Performance in History (Claremont McKenna College, 2016)

Writing and Movement (Claudia Rankine’s Poetry Workshop, Pomona College, 2014)

Introduction to Clowning (Goa Contact Festival, 2014)

Movement and Composition (Exeter College, Oxford University, 2014)

Viewpoints and Suzuki (California Institute of Technology, 2011)